Dear students,
Poems on Covid-19 outbreak go viral on the web: inspiration seems to be striking everywhere. The texts I selected are below this short message, please.
Happy reading !
Yours respectfully.
Miss Amar
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Dear students,
Poems on Covid-19 outbreak go viral on the web: inspiration seems to be striking everywhere. The texts I selected are below this short message, please.
Happy reading !
Yours respectfully.
Miss Amar
Dear students,
Teacher Tim Bowen and The onestopenglish Team (the world's leading website for English language teachers) are sharing with us their new resources and advice to get fit and healthy:
Source :
Keep up the good work,
Miss Amar.
Dear students,
It is time to invite the spring indoors. Open the windows and let the spring sun in! You certainly know that drawer that's full of everything and anything. You have an entire cupboard that you failed at an attempt to keep organised. Try to tackle it once and for all! It is the perfect time for a declutter; get your marigolds at the ready!
1) WHAT YOU'LL NEED: cleaning gloves, duster or a hoover, lukewarm water, antibacterial cleaning product and... patience !
a) remove all the items from their usual spot, sort through all your "junk" and recycle all your unwanted empties;
b) dust or hoover those dust bunnies away;
c) give the surfaces a wipe down;
d) place all your items back and order any replacements you need.
Here you are! You'll have a cleaner and more livable space in no time!
Breathe fresh air into your family home then! Relax!
Miss Amar
Dear students,
"Tucked away in Paris’s 6th Arrondissement, a short walk from the Luxembourg gardens, is a curious museum. Words in many languages and alphabets adorn the walls, and, as you wander from the first floor down to the building’s 17th-century cellar, you are surrounded by languages at every turn. [...] This is the Mundolingua museum of language.
The museum’s founder, Mark Oremland, first had the idea for Mundolingua when he found that there was no place for language and linguistics enthusiasts like himself to visit. He realized that he would have to create that space for himself. When he first drifted into the building on Rue Servandoni that now serves as the museum’s home, he was looking for a place to set up a travel agency. Eventually, though, he realized the space’s potential to hold the museum he’d been longing for.".
On April 15th 2020, Mark Oremland shared the following words with us, from New Zealand. Let us get informed while we are self-isolated:
« Pendant cette période bouleversée et bouleversante, on pourrait apprécier quelques observations de nature linguistique.
Par exemple :
- Quelques mots et expressions qui ressortent et s'inventent, tels que « confinement » en français, ou en anglais « to hunker down », ou encore le verbe « to self isolate ».
- D'autres phrases et mots qui prennent un nouveau sens, une fonction différente : « comment vas-tu ? » n'est plus une formule de politesse ou une simple salutation, maintenant on veut vraiment savoir comment l'autre se porte.
- L'isolement impose beaucoup plus de conversations et de communication entre familles ou colocataires,
ou tout simplement avec soi-même.
- On écoute beaucoup plus les informations, qui nous proposent d'autres sources, d'autres accents, d'autres perspectives.
- Les divers discours politiques sont intéressants à analyser, ainsi que leurs réelles motivations. Non seulement, on est en attente des actes qui en découlent, mais on se focalise plus sur les paroles des acteurs internationaux.
- On a le temps de s'entourer de mots, de la lecture mais aussi de se concentrer sur l'apprentissage d'autres langues et phénomènes linguistiques.
Bon apprentissage à vous ! ».